Casa de Fruta Field Trip Most Likely Cancelled
/Good afternoon parents,
Due to the widespread power outages, our Casa de Fruta field trip scheduled for tomorrow, October 28th will most likely be cancelled. Casa de Fruta's location on the outage map shows it is currently out of power. Additionally, both myself and Mrs. Settles have made numerous attempts to call and the phone is off the line. We have been in contact with Sister Carmen, who has informed us that Salesian has also been out of power. We will let you all know the final decision by 7:00 tonight. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
We are all so disappointed with this change in the plan, and we know the students will be as well. As a class and school community, let us keep the victims of the fires in our prayers and thank God we are all safe. I will get back to you all tonight.
Have a great day,
Miss Jones