Weekly Update
/Good afternoon parents,
I hope you all had a great weekend! I have a few updates for you this afternoon:
First, I am very happy to announce that we have finally completed our new website! After months of hard work, we are happy to present a website that offers you all the information you may need regarding our school, announcements, and specifically our classroom. Next Monday, I will no longer be sending this weekly email, but rather posting on our classroom blog. Please make sure you check this page every day, as I will be posting any additional information as necessary throughout the week in addition to the general Monday morning post.
Here is the link to the website: https://salesianschool.squarespace.com/
Here is the link to our classroom blog: https://salesianschool.squarespace.com/classroom-kindergarten
Second, I would like to remind everyone that we have the Our Lady of the Rosary Mass at Holy Eucharist Church this Sunday, October 7th at 10:00 am. We ask that students come dressed in their full dress-uniform. Our first and seventh grade will be leading us as we celebrate the month of Our Lady of the Rosary.
As mentioned, this is the month we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary. I will be sending home our classroom's Mary box with one student each night for you to pray together as a family. There are directions inside the box, should you need some guidance. Please send the Mary box back with your student the following morning, so it can be sent home with the next student.
Finally, I would like to inform you that we have extended the deadline to order hot lunch to the end of this week. Please make sure to place your order on the google doc, and then send in the appropriate amount in your child's homework folder. If there are any questions, please contact Mrs. LoBue in the office.
Thank you all so much, and have a great week!
-Miss Jones