Week of March 22-26:

Religion: We are beginning our 5th Week of our Lenten season and that means we are getting closer to the Cross: Jesus' Suffering, Passion, and Death. We are called to follow Christ closely. If we are to be disciples, then we must let go of the old self. And that surrender, that dying to self, we grow more and more and be like Jesus.

Reading: Our new selection this week is a Realistic Fiction Story set in rural area of Northern Tanzania in East Africa in early 1960's. " My Rows and Piles of Coins." Saruni, the main character dreams of owning his own bicycle. He wants to use the bike to help his mother carry her good to the market. After patiently saving his money, Saruni finally goes to buy his new bike and learns he still does not have enough. His mother realizes that Saruni is upset, and when she finds out why, she and his father have a surprise for him the next day.

An AR Test is a must by Friday.

Students will make their presentations of their Google search on Mexico: its flag, map, traditions, customs, food, dance, imports and exports.

Vocabulary: We will continue our study of Unit 14, "Love Those Bugs." Students will make their presentations of Google search of Insects to the rest of the class.

Vocabulary and Dictation Tests on Friday.

Grammar: We will do abbreviations of days, months, names, addresses correctly.