Week August 31sst-September 4th
/Religion: We will be learning about: "God's Plan of Salvation. God respond to the sin of Adam & Eve with the promise of a Savior.
Reading: Our new lesson is: "Mrs. Frisby and the Crow." Mrs. Frisby is a mouse who travels through the territory of a vicious cat to get medicine for her son. After spying a young crow entangled in some silver string, Mrs. Frisby is faced with a dilemma. Knowing that the crow might be caught by the cat,Mrs. Frisby could further risk her life to set him free or she continues on her way. Overcoming her fear, she unselfishly works to free him. Will Mrs. Frisby be able to save the crow and herself in time? Reminder for 4th Graders. Last weekend I send your parents and you, your Renaissance usernames and passwords for AR Testing. Your goal for this trimester is 15 points. An AR Test is a must every other week.
Vocabulary: Our new lesson, Unit 2: "Spring Training: A New Beginning," is an informational article pages 16-17
Grammar: We will be doing: Simple Subjects pages 16-19
Penmanship: This week we will begin cursive handwriting and we will learn to write cursive Aa, Gg, Uu.