Week Nov 26- 30th

Welcome back 4th Grade!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break.

This week-


Math workbook 72-78 due Thursday.

Reading: Ar 30 minutes a night.

I will be checking AR logs Tuesday.

Thursday there is a quiz on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.

Spelling Test Thursday.

There is no school Friday.

We have confession Wednesday at 11 am.

We will be reviewing the Rock Cycle, and Social Studies Missions- Mexican California.

We have been working on an Anti Bullying Unit in class. Students have been learning how to be a bullying up stander(identifying bullying), and developing boundaries. Students understand that if they experience any bullying activity, to report it to any adult on staff. Please talk to your child about bullying and how to spot it. Feel free to communicate and bullying activity to Mrs. Martin- or Sister Carmen.

Thank you,

Have a great week!