Welcome to 1st Grade!

Welcome to 1st Grade!!

I am thrilled to be your child’s 1st grade teacher! My name is Mrs. Settles, and this will be my fifth year teaching 1st grade at Salesian.

This Saturday, August 14th, will be our New Family Orientation followed by the annual Luau back-to-school celebration.

I will be on campus from at least 3-5 pm, and would love to meet you and your child ahead of the first day of school! They can come take a peek at their classroom, see their desk, meet me, and get excited for all the fun to come!

First Day of School - Monday, August 16th

8/16 is our first day of school! It will be a minimum day, with carpool pick-up at 12:00pm. School and assembly will begin at 7:50 am, so please make sure your child is here on time if possible :-)

School supplies such as folders, notebooks, scissors, glue, erasers, and writing/coloring (pencils, crayons, colored pencils) tools will all be provided for each student.

Items to bring the first day of school:

  • Backpack

  • Refillable Water Bottle (with their name on it)

  • Full Dress Uniform

  • A snack (minimum day, so no full lunch)

  • Extra masks

  • Any medications or inhaler type items that your child might need to be brought to the office.

  • If your child has a favorite book that they love to look through, read, look at the pictures, feel free to pack that for their first week to keep in their desks. This will be a small comfort from home that they can use in their downtime should they have any!

First Week of School Schedule:

Monday - minimum day, carpool @ 12:00pm

Tuesday - minimum day, carpool @ 12:00pm

Wednesday - full day, carpool @ 3:00pm

Thursday -full day, carpool @ 3:00pm

Friday -full day, carpool @ 3:00pm

I want you to know that I am extremely understanding of the difficulties that masks can bring to your child’s day. I’m grateful that your child will stay safe by using the masks indoors, but I am also going to be letting your child outside for mask breathing breaks and water breaks at any moment they need to. During recess and lunch your child will not need to wear their masks.

I will be sending home information and items for you to complete as parents the first week of school which will give you more information about our first grade class (procedures, rules, incentives, homework, etc), as well as a place for you to share your information and tell me a little more about your child!

You are welcome to reach out to me any time for questions or concerns by email at:


Can’t wait to meet all of your amazing children very soon!! It’s going to be an incredible school year.

-Mrs. Settles