Updates for Friday, September 6th
/There will be NO swimming Friday 9/6. Please send your child to school with their full-dress uniform.
Swimming will begin again next Tuesday 9/10. If you can help please sign up with Coach on the google sheets sent out, or email me or Adrienne (adrienne.race@yahoo.com ). The entire class cannot swim if there aren’t parent volunteers.
As stated on Monday, I will not be at school on Friday for Grandparent’s day. Your child should plan on coming straight to Ms. Jones classroom in the morning/after assembly. Ms. Jones will be watching 1st grade until PE. After recess 1st grade will attend Grandparent’s Day mass, then the school will be in charge of where they will be the rest of the day if you decide not to take your child home after lunch on the lawn.
Spelling test for Friday is cancelled - We will continue the words next week. Plenty of time to study!
Thank you for all you do! Contact me if you have any questions!
Mrs. Settles