1st Grade Weekly Update - September 23rd - 27th
/Hello 1st grade families!
Welcome to another week! My apologies for my absence to start the week. I came down with a cold, and needed to rest up. We’re getting right back into the swing of things today.
Your child will come home with a Homework Packet today, due to losing yesterday and Friday being a Professional Development for teachers there won’t be too much for them to complete this week.
The spelling words are the same as last week: hat, job, leg, fit.
The spelling test will be this Thursday 9/26. (If your child is going to the Giant’s Game I will retest them on Monday).
Picture Day is tomorrow, Wednesday 9/25! Please send your child in their full dress uniform and their hair brushed.
Giants Game - Thursday 9/26. Tickets available through our website!
No School Friday - Enjoy your 3 day weekend!