1st Grade Weekly Update + News - September 16th - 20th

Hello Families!

This week your child’s spelling words are: hat, job, leg, fit.

We have a 4-day school week due to Salesian Fun Day on Friday. This will be held at St. Francis High School in Watsonville. Please drop your child off at 7:45. We are hoping to have at least 6 first grade parent chaperones. Please let Adrienne or Megan know if you are able to help out!

Dad’s Night Out is this Thursday at 7PM at the Parish Public House in Aptos.

This week we have Renaissance Testing. Your child will be tested on Math, Language Arts, and Reading. You can help them feel prepared by making sure they have a full belly in the morning and lots of good sleep at night!

There will only be swimming on Tuesday this week due to Fun Day. Please let us know if you can help.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Settles