1st Grade News + Updates - Week of December 2nd - 6th
/Wow! I can’t believe we’re in the month of December! Time flies, and we’re gearing up for the Christmas Play now. Your child will be learning songs and dances during the month of December as preparation. I will be able to send home lyrics to practice at home once they are given to me.
Spelling Words: van, nap, brush.
Your child is continuing to learn subtraction (take away) techniques in 1st grade math. Please help your child to start calling this strategy “subtraction”, instead of take away, but allowing them the reminder of why it’s called that (Subtraction is taking away an amount from a total to find the two parts). You can help your child understand the concept of subtraction better by using items (such as counters, paper clips, or even crackers or cereal!) and letting them physically move the items away. For example: 5 - 3 = 2 with 5 goldfish, your child could eat the 3 being taken away and see that 2 are left over.
Thank you for helping your child’s success every day!! December goes by quickly and soon enough we will be hitting our half way mark in the school year.
1st Grade Christmas Play Attire: Red long sleeve crew neck T-shirt (no graphics), Black pants/no leggings, and black school or dress shoes (no heels). The kids will be on bleachers and dancing so please make sure their shoes accommodate that.
Important Dates in December are below:
Dec. 6th - NO SCHOOL - Teachers to California Catholic Ministry Conference
Dec. 12th - Our Lady of Guadalupe School Liturgy @ 11 am (TK/K animating the mass)
Dec. 18th - Christmas Class Celebrations
Dec. 19th - Play Practice + Christmas Play in the evening (Times + Location to come)
Dec. 20th - Jan. 5th - Christmas Break! School resumes Jan. 6th.