More Finals Information
/Dear Parents,
To keep you abreast of materials for finals. The students have been working on reviews since their return from the Easter break and have been doing exercises, quizzes and other activities to keep them attentive and sharp.
Social Studies material is in the form of run-off unit reviews.
Religion and Science guides have been posted on Google Classroom so that the children can have access in school and at home. We will be reviewing these guides in class daily, along with quizzes. If the students want a paper copy, we can provide one for them.
We have been reviewing Grammar these past two weeks as well. I will get a guide out this week to help focus attention on certain areas.
AR is another area that we have been emphasizing. Quite a few students are close to reaching their goal for this trimester. Please see that the children read, especially on weekends.
Thank you for your assistance.
Sr. Barbara, FMA