Calendar Events for Novemberf
/Dear Parents,
As we close out the month of October and begin the beautiful month of November, I’d like to point out just a few important dates and events for this month.
November 1st - Feast of All Saints and a holy day of obligation. The sixth grade will be leading the school in the liturgy. Please join us at 11:00 am in our Chapel.
November 2nd - Feast of All Souls. The “Prayer for Loved Ones” purple half-sheet went home last week. Please list on the sheet family members, other loved ones, friends who have passed away. They will be remembered at Mass and in our prayers throughout the month!
Culmination of the cultural experience for El Dia de los Muertos. Students will watch Coco in the afternoon and have a popcorn treat.
November 4th - Spirit Shirt Day. Students will also have the opportunity to spend some time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Remember to give your children intentions to pray for during that time. The Lord has a hard time not listening to the prayers of children!
Salesian Gala and Auction 5:00PM
November 8th - End of first trimester
November 9th - Picture re-takes
November 11th - Veterans Day Prayer Service
November 16-17-18th - Parent-Teacher Conferences as scheduled. 12:00 noon dismissal for the three days. No Aftercare.
November Birthdays - free dress
November 21st - Thanksgiving Liturgy 11:00 AM
November 22nd - Trimester Awards/NJHS Ceremony
12:00 Noon dismissal - no Aftercare.
November 23-25th - Thanksgiving Break.
November 28th - School resumes