History Final Project

Due 5/17/2021

Final Project: Civilization in a Shoe-box (50 points)

Due: Monday May 17th

Students will use the daily life examples from the textbook to create a 3D scene of a civilization of their choice. The project must contain 3 different characters with a one paragraph description for each character, explaining what he or she is doing in the scene. The box may not be more than 18 inches per side.

Daily Life Examples from the textbook can be found on pages: 70 & 71, 134 & 135, 152 & 153, and on pages 384 & 385. These are just examples to get you started, you can choose any civilization from the textbook to do your project on and you do not need to only pick from the above suggestions.

If you have trouble finding any of the materials needed (ex: glue-sticks, paint, markers and even if you need a shoe-box….) to complete this project, please email me.

Please use this week to choose the civilization you want to do your project on and to collect all the needed supplies for this project. Most of next week’s history classes will be spent working on the project. 

This project is your final for 6th Grade World History and is worth 50 points. You will share your project and read your character descriptions to the class on Monday May 17th.