History 4/13
/Draw and color the map on page 401 of your textbook
Chapter 12 lesson 1 review ?’s 2-7 on page 397
Chapter Project Due Monday April 26th
Chapter 12 Cultural Presentation Project Outline
This project is due and will be presented to the class on Monday, April 26th
This project is worth 50 points
Choose any part of the Greek Culture to present to the class (Art, Religion, Food, Government, Sports ect…). Use the shared template or create a google doc template of your own to explain your cultural topic to the class in the form of a 3-5 minute presentation. Please include:
Topic/Title [5 points]
Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) [10 Points]
History and importance of your topic (1-2 paragraphs) [10 Points]
Explain why you chose this topic (1-2 paragraphs) [10 Points]
Compare and contrast the then and now of your cultural topic, how did your topic influence life back in the time of the Ancient Greeks and how does it relate to present day civilizations. Examples could be the idea of Democracy or the recreation of the modern day Olympics. (1-2 paragraphs) [10 Points]
Please include all links for research information and the images used in your presentation document. [5 points]