/Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems (6-L.8)
Review. Do 3-5 problems each.
Identify factors (6-E.4)
Find all the factor pairs of a number (6-E.)
Greatest common factor (6-E.7)
Least common multiple (6-E.9)
Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems (6-L.8)
Review. Do 3-5 problems each.
Identify factors (6-E.4)
Find all the factor pairs of a number (6-E.)
Greatest common factor (6-E.7)
Least common multiple (6-E.9)
SALESIAN ELEMENTARY & JUNIOR HIGH | 605 Enos Lane, Corralitos, CA 95076 | (831) 728-5518 (F) 728-0273 |