Homework 1-15
/Math 7-5 pg 376-378 # 7-27 odd 37-39 odd, Mid Ch 7 Quiz on Friday
Science- read text pg 170-174 Then read and fill in Packet pg 77-79, quiz on Mitosis and Meiosis Fr1
Math 7-5 pg 376-378 # 7-27 odd 37-39 odd, Mid Ch 7 Quiz on Friday
Science- read text pg 170-174 Then read and fill in Packet pg 77-79, quiz on Mitosis and Meiosis Fr1
SALESIAN ELEMENTARY & JUNIOR HIGH | 605 Enos Lane, Corralitos, CA 95076 | (831) 728-5518 (F) 728-0273 | info@salesianschool.org