Welcome to Second Grade !
/Welcome to 2nd Grade!!
I am so excited to be your child’s 2nd grade teacher! My name is Mrs. Cardenas.
This Saturday, August 14th, is our New Family Orientation followed by the annual Luau back-to-school celebration.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your child. They can come take a peek at their classroom, see their desk, meet me, and get excited for our new school year!
First Day of School - Monday, August 16th
Our first day will be a minimum day, with carpool pick-up at 12:00pm. School and assembly will begin at 7:50 am.
School supplies- folders, notebooks, scissors, glue, erasers, and writing/coloring (pencils, crayons, colored pencils) tools will all be provided for each student.
Items to bring the first day of school:
Refillable Water Bottle (with their name on it)
Full Dress Uniform
A snack (minimum day, so no full lunch)
Extra masks
Any medications or inhaler type items that your child might need to be brought to the office.