This Week: October 23 - October 29
/At the SPIN night all parents were asked to make a "classroom contribution" of $25 per student. The funds are going to be used for the Halloween carnival prizes, your teacher’s b-day gift, the Christmas play accessories & your teacher’s appreciation gift. Please send money in an envelope marked with your child’s name and “class contribution - 2nd” to Sr. Maria.
Halloween Information: Students are allowed "Halloween" free dress for the day and may wear orange & black, but no costumes. We will celebrate with our Halloween carnival, but there will not be any class parities for Halloween. Please do not send in any special Halloween snacks or candy on this day. Halloween is a noon dismissal, with no aftercare available. Please note that Halloween is NOT an open carpool day. Thank you for understanding.
Religion: This week we will finish up the 10 commandments. Ask your child if he or she can tell you all 10 from memory.
Math: Check your child’s backpack for this week’s Friendly Notes on our measurement unit. This week we worked on length and talked about the concepts of meter, centimeter, yard, foot and inch.
Spelling: We continue to review long a and e spelling patterns.
Social Studies: This week we take a look at maps and learn to distinguish land from water on a map. If you have any maps at home, ask your child if he or she can share this skill with you.
Science: Our current science work ties in with our math unit on measuring length. We are learning how rulers and tape measures can be used as scientific tools.
Reading: This week’s story is Hungry Hopper. It explores the life of a grasshopper. The new vocabulary words for this story are; cycle, dull, sensing, attract, grasshoppers, flash, antennae, danger, markings, and fussy.
Computers: We are continuing with This week we work on typing the letters J, K, F, R, and U. We learn that we can now type the word “fur” using correct hand position. Each week students have the opportunity to take AR quizzes on the stories read at home during the week and the book read in class on Wednesday. This Wednesday they had the opportunity to earn 1 AR point total for the stories Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman and Bats at the Ballgame by Brian Lies.