Thank God For November!
/Thank God we survived Halloween on Monday! I’m not going to joke, that was a long week! Sadly we do have a cold going around our room and lots of sniffles and coughs. Here’s looking forward to a restful weekend! Please take the time that you need to keep the kids healthy as we head into the holidays! If any parents want to wipe down desk and chairs at the end of day or in AM that would be great! Trying to get us all to our vacations healthy! Please also send them in warm clothing. It has been in the high 30’s in the AM and it is still very cold at even 10:30 recess. Kids can wear shorts under PE sweats and girls may wear tights under jumpers! Please do your best to keep uniform or at least keeping to navy, white and grey. This is also a good time to rest “extra clothing” in desk (undies, shorts, socks) and send back any that were borrowed. It takes a village but we want to keep them all healthy and comfortable.
Our school is collecting food and funds for Second Harvest Food Bank! I know that it can feel like a lot to ask, but the school is asking for a bag of food per child AND $5. There will also be Free Dress Fridays coming up for $1 each. With my own family I have tried to make opportunities for them to earn money to then spend on the poor. Even the little ones can do a small task to earn their $1 for Free Dress such as picking weeds, raking leaves, sorting laundry, gathering recycling, etc. It can also be a fun grocery store game to see just how much you can get for $10. Can you fill the bag for $10 or less? I hope this helps them feel more involved.
As we soldier into the end of the first trimester the Kinder are working hard at home on rhyming and in class we are working hard on “concepts of print” such as left to right, uppercase and lowercase, sizing and spacing. The kids have made the jump from white paper to lined paper. We are also making the jump from labeling to sentence making. You will see soon some “Sticker Sentences” that are heading home. Please feel free to send in any amount of stickers that might help keep us rolling through this process!
In Math we are wrapping up “Missing Numbers” where the kids were learning to count from 0-10 but not always beginning at 0. This is easy concept to practice at home with board games. We are moving into our 5th Unit which is about 2D and 3D shapes.
I hope you have seen some of our ABC Saints starting to make their way home! Look for Saint Anne, Saint Bernadette, St. Clare and St. Dominic, coming in green folders to you.
Lastly a reminder about grading. I usually use a 0-4 scale for work and sometimes you will see me combined scores in increments of 4. If you see a smile or a comment like “awesome” you can conclude that I saw the work and recorded it as a “pass” or 4. Zero would be undone. One is almost never used. Two is work is done but they missed the concept or made a mess. Three is work done but with some error. Four is work done as directed and expected. Increments of 4 would be used to record a task like homework where all four days were done and a score of sixteen would be full credit.
Mon: PE
Tues: Music
Wed: PE
Thurs: -
Fri: Library