September is here!!! It will be full!!! Field Trips too!!!
/Hello Kinder Fans!
Fall is here and we are getting ready to roll out more classroom studies and two trips!
The entire school will be visiting St. Francis High School for Salesian Fun Day! It is a fantastic day that usually begins with mass in the gym with all the visiting schools, a picnic lunch and lots and lots of games, art, face paint and more! This event is coming up on Friday, Sept. 15th and yes that is the same weekend as the county fair! Yee-haw! Many families go to the fair right after! Stay tuned for directions from the office but usually students are dropped off and picked up from the high school. I could absolutely use help wrangling the kids so get your ID, fingerprints, etc. all set with the office and please come along! I will be the person with the “K” flag!
Speaking of trips, save the date for Thursday, September 28th for our first big trip to the Monterey/Salinas Zoo! It is just the right size for a couple of hours of fun, followed by the park. We have the thumbs up from Sister Carmen, now we just need to get our deposit settled and we will be good to go as long as you all can help drive us there! 3 kids to 1 parent is a good ratio for this trip so we will need about 6 parents plus myself and Mrs. M.
In Language Arts we will soon begin our formal curriculum called “Benchmark”. The kids will have an activity magazine that we will use and send home upon completion. The first unit is about characters and settings in a story. If your child is out of school, this is work that should be made up along the way. The current work is a review of ABC identification and formation of both capital and lowercase letters. This will soon become sound recognition. “Benchmark” will cycle through Literature Themes, Science Themes and Social Studies Themes.
Our first unit in Math is about patterning and we have already begun work in our Math text. Soon you will see pages coming home to you. They will include logic work like finding things that are the same and different as well as ABAB and ABCABC patterning. There may be details about color, shape, texture, quantity that all add to pattern making. We are also working on the concept of time with our daily calendar work (month, week, day) and counting to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.
With Religion, we just celebrated as a school our first trip to morning Adoration. We will be heading to mass on Sept. 8th. You are welcome to come. The kids and I have been talking/coloring the different parts of the mass and exploring around our school chapel.
Some Reminders:
Tues and Thurs: PE Days
Wed is our Library Day
Fri. Sept 8- Full Dress Uniform for Mass 11:00
Wed. Sept 13 - BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! 7:00
Fri. - Sept. 15- Salesian Fun Day at SFHS
Mon. - Sept. 18 - No School for Students
Fri. - Sept. 22nd - Grandparents Day 10:00 Mass and Book Fair Sale
Thurs. Sept. 28th - Monterey/Salinas Zoo (pending)
Mon. Oct. 30th - Borchard Pumpkin Patch (pending)