/Hello Kinder Families!
We did it! We survived the first week with flying colors! What a sweet bunch!
In just a few days of work you should see them walk themselves in, drop off lunch and water outside, hang up their own belongings and settle right into “Read or Draw.” The bell rings and we transition into a line and off to assembly where they wait so attentively with the entire school. We come back over with a quick stop at the bathroom and settle right back into our ELA (English Langauge Arts) for the morning. They have already learned our months of the year song, days of the week song, practicing how we learn sounds and using “4 Step Phonics” videos and shapes we need to make letters. Busy, busy! “Pete The Cat” has helped us learn about being cool at school too!
The kids have been busy learning all those routines, plus I have slowly been working on their stamina for sitting, standing, playing in groups and playing independently. They have been finding their way around the class library, supplies and their own desk. There’s been play dough and musical instruments all helping our small motor skills. Shhhh….they think we are just having fun! Ask them about Mr. Potato Head and how he reminds us about our classroom rules?
In Math we have been working on counting our order numbers on the calendar, starting by ones to count to 100, all the shapes you need to write your numbers and looking at ABAB (Same and Different) patterns. They are ready to learn! Playing memory match was a big hit and you can play at home too!
During our Religion time we are just starting our prayers at assembly, meal time and end of day. We have also practiced our Sign of the Cross and learned while celebrating St. Don Bosco’s birthday! The kids and I have also started a “Loving Kindness” paper chain. When someone does something very kind and without prompting I am adding to our chain. We hope to give it to Sister Carmen for the chapel. Kinder and I also talked about how our feelings can be physical “my body feels sick” or our heart/feelings “I feel sad.” We talked a bit how we can be a mix, my finger hurts but I am still feeling happy today.
You may not see a ton of evidence coming home yet and that is for two reasons. 1) I am trying to get work up on our boards so the children see their work and have buy in. 2) We are using our white boards because they allow for low frustration while working on letter and number shapes. I assure you that we are plenty busy!
A few notes about drop off. Please try your best to drive by and drop off in front of the school. Especially by September, let’s try to be dropping kids in the front of the school and they walk to me. I will be in Kinder at 7:30. If you do need to stop and park, please park out front and NOT in the Sister’s Carport behind our room. If you are late to school their backpacks go by the cafeteria door under the Student Council Board and they enter through the backdoor of the cafeteria where they should wait for a moment if we are praying, before joining our class.
There is a Lost and Found near the boys bathroom across the courtyard from us. If I see something that belongs to you, I will gather it and have it inside our classroom. If it is found by another, it will likely go to the Lost and Found. Please, please, please label all items, parts and pieces.
Monday - Regular Uniform
Tuesday - PE
Wednesday - Regular Uniform
Thursday - PE Uniform and Library
Friday - Regular Uniform, Summer Birthday Free Dress and 12:00 Dimissal
All My Best,
Ms. Shannon Lenz