Marching On!!!

Hello Kinder Families,

Time just keeps "Marching" on!!!!

I am excited to say that we have had a healthy class with mostly 20 kids each day these last two weeks! It was a busy end to the second trimester with both Parent Conference and Open House! The seasons are changing and our third and final trimester is here!

Language Arts: Ask the kids about their Reading Buddy! All the students were matched up with another that is approximately at their same level. This makes it very easy for them to select books and for me to group them up for assessments and listening. It has been very exciting to hear their voices and soon I may even see their lips from behind those masks! We continue to work on our penmanship and sentence writing.

Math: The kids have been learning different methods of addition. They have practiced counting with fingers, using objects, drawing or counting pictures, using a diagram (looks like Mickey Mouse ears) and counting on a number line. Counting on a number line (similar to counting on a game board) is the most challenging. I have been working to show them that with adding we can gather the objects and count from top to bottom or left to right. This is an important difference between adding and subtracting. We are also working on Skip Counting/Counting by twos.

Science: We are talking both about Energy and Motion. The kids have enjoyed watching videos about machines and thinking about words like push, pull, spin. flip. We have introduced many of those with physical activity. Our Leprechaun Traps due on March 17th will really highlight that! We are also paying attention at our school for signs of Spring. We still have cold Winter mornings, but the day turns into warm Spring sunshine. It is not too late for the Kindergarten to have a garden here at school but it would be a weekend undertaking to get any beds ready. I am willing to come in and make plans if you are. I know that the Morales Family has already offered to help.

Social Studies: We are moving out of our famous Americans and American symbols and into Community and Community Helpers. This includes talks on safety and first responders. We talked a bit today about calling 911 or safe neighbors that can help us. We had a cute fictional story about Little Critter having to get help because his Dad was locked in the basement.

Religion: I hope it is obvious that we have moved into Lent. The kids and I have been focusing on how like Winter to Spring, we are now waiting for Lent to Easter. We have been enjoying stories and videos about Jesus' adult life before Holy Week. I will save those stories for Holy Week itself.

I hope this helps you to know how we fill our busy days. Lots of preparation for 1st grade, especially trying to shorten up our snack break, trips up and down the hill, mass and class behaviors and taking full care of our own materials and belongings. As always, being good friends with each other and moving about our school peacefully is a priority. It has been wonderful to be back inside all together for assembly! They are doing great!

All My Best,

Mrs. Shannon Lenz