Week of 8/30
/Hello Kinder Families!
I hope this finds you all relaxing and enjoying the sunshine! Just a few notes to keep us all on track for this week.
Back To School Night is this Wednesday at 7:00 pm!
Sister Carmen is asking that we all do the best we can with the uniform shortage. As a reminder, the blue PE sweatshirts are usually to be worn ONLY on PE days. Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Vests are to be on both boys and girls that wear pants or shorts. Black school shoes and athletic shoes with white socks for both boys and girls. Hair should be natural, modest, and pulled away from the face using blue or black hair accessories.
You should be seeing the blue folders coming to and from school on most days. This is how I will send work back to you for you to keep. When we start homework after Labor Day, we will use a second folder for just that. I am keeping some items for the beginning of the year evaluation file and also to decorate our classroom.
Scavenger Hunt! If any of you have old magazines that are acceptable for the Kinders to cut up for art, please send those in! We do a lot of cutting around here! I am also looking for decks of cards for sorting.
If you did the summer work that Miss Jones assigned, NOW is the time to get that in. We will have Grade Link up and running soon! That is the first assignment that will be entered.
Currently, the kids are working on capital and lowercase recognition of the alphabet in Language and sorting "same, different and exact" in Math. We have been using YouTube to sing along the days of the week, months of the year, and two different Sesame Street Alphabet songs that are starting the memorization process of the sounds associated with each letter. The kids have also started a tiny bit of Sign Language fingerspelling. There have been many, many stories already and drawings. The drawings are actually "Directed Draw" and a first step in the writing process. Soon the pictures will be labeled and then those words that are labeled into a sentence or two.
A few skills to practice at home: shoes on and off by themselves, pencil grip, cutting, buttoning pants, opening and closing water bottles. All of these skills are widely needed!
That's it for now! Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday Night!
Best, Mrs. Shannon Lenz