Weekly Update 3/9/2020
/Good morning parents!
We have a few updates for this week:
Tomorrow, Tuesday March 10th, there is free dress for students with March birthdays as well as students who were recognized for the focus SLE last week. Our two students being recognized for that SLE are Audrey Craddock and Charley Varela. Please look over the free-dress guidelines in your handbook again to make sure students are coming to school dressed appropriately.
This Friday, March 13th, there is no school due to a professional development day for our faculty. Homework will be turned in on Thursday. Please enjoy the extra day off!
As a reminder, last week student council sent home our rice bowl annual fundraiser. Please have your student put one quarter in the box for each day of lent to donate to a family in need of food.
Finally, our annual Gala and Auction event is happening this Saturday! The students have worked with Joey and Kristin Garcia to create a beautiful piece of art available for auction at the event. In addition to that, we have received the final copies of our book the students created! We ask that if you emailed requesting to pre-order the book, please send in the money before this Saturday…. any extra copies not paid for will be going to the auction to be sold there. I will send home your copy of the book in your student’s folder as they are paid for.
Thank you so much, and if you have any questions please email me. Have a great week!
-Miss Jones