Weekly Update 8/26/2019

Good afternoon! I have a few updates and reminders for this week:

This Wednesday, August 28th, is our Back to School Night. The school will be offering a dinner at 5:45 pm in the cafeteria before we begin at 7:00 pm. I will be going over the expectations, rules, and guidelines we have for our classroom, and I really look forward to seeing you all.

This Friday, August 30th is a half-day, so dismissal will be at noon.

Next Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day so we will not be in school. Enjoy the extra day off!

We will begin homework this week- I have sent home the homework packets in your childs’ homework folder so please be sure to check it and work on tonights’ homework with them. The completion of the packet will be submitted to gradelink as a grade, so please make sure your child is doing their homework.

If you have any questions regarding the homework, please don’t hesitate to email.

Have a great week!