Weekly Update 3/25/2019
/Good afternoon! Just a few updates for this week:
Next Thursday and Friday we have parent-teacher conferences. If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, please complete the form I sent home in folders today. Those two days (the 4th and 5th) are noon dismissal days, and there will be no aftercare available.
As a reminder- for homework, please have your child try to spell out the names of the pictures provided on the skills practice pages. We have been working very hard on segmenting the sounds we hear in words, so I would like them to have as much practice as they can get. I know this may take slightly longer than just writing the letter, but we are building the important foundation they need for developing their spelling skills. That being said, the spelling of the word does not have to be correct, as long as they identify the individual sounds (i.e. phone being spelled fone is acceptable).
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email. Have a great week!