Weekly Update 11/05/18
/Good afternoon parents! I am happy to see our web-page for our classroom is up and running! I will be posting here from now on.
Please make sure to check your students folder today- there are a few important handouts. The first is a slip asking you to fill out the best time to come meet with me for parent-teacher conferences. Please turn this slip back in to me tomorrow, as we will be forming the schedules as a group Wednesday morning. The second handout is regarding all the great fundraisers student council has planned for our school. We are entering the very special time of the holidays, and as you know, not everyone is as fortunate as we are. Anything you can contribute is a big help.
Next Friday, November 16th, is our James and the Giant Peach field trip! I will be emailing anyone I have not received payment for yet, and the carpool list will go out early next week. As you may have noticed, next Monday is Veterans Day so there is no school. Much like last week, I will not be assigning homework for next week.
This Friday, November 9th, is a half-day. Dismissal is at noon.
Have a wonderful week!