Week of January 19th - 22nd:
/Welcome Back:
Religion: We will be doing Session 22: Loving God Above All.
The Shema, called the Greatest Commandment by Jesus teaches us to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The Fist Commandment call us to love God. The second Commandment teaches us to revere everything associated to God. The Third Commandment tells to devote one day of the week to worshiping God. We try to keep the day holy by not doing anything unnecessary.
Reading: We will continue Patty Reed's Doll till the end of the month. Then go into the Text Book. We had finished reading, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and James and the Giant Peach. Students were asked to do a DIORAMA on their choice of any one of the books, which is due this week.
Vocabulary: We will be doing Unit 10: "Return of the Wolves," a magazine article
Unit 9 Vocabulary test will be on Wednesday, January 20.
Grammar: We will continue to learn Adverbs: Good/Well, and Negative Words.