Week November 2-6

Religion: November 1 All Saints' Day, November 2 All Souls Day.

This week we will learn about God is Our Father. Our free will is the ability to freely choose our actions. When we sin it is serious matter because we damage our relationships with God and with our community. Venial Sins are not serious as mortal sins, which represent a total break in our relationship with God. Our Faith tells us that love is greater than any sin we could commit and God's forgiveness will surmount even our most horrible deeds. But we must face the consequences of sin in our lives.

Reading: We will continue to read, "Patty Reed's Doll." We are working on Chapter 3, 4

Vocabulary: Unit 6. We will continue our Greek Myth.

Grammar: We will continue to work on Main, Helping Verbs, Irregular Verbs.