IMPORTANT UPDATE: Salesian Elementary School Closure - March 16 - April 3rd - 1st Grade

Dear parents,

I’d like to start by thanking you for being incredible parents to these 1st graders that I love so much. During these new and strange times in our community and country I find great comfort in the fact that our school and class are such a tight family. These next couple weeks will be a time to reflect on our gratitude for our health, family, and the people we care deeply for. 

As a staff, we have been asked to provide you and your child lessons and student work for the next two weeks. The work is dependent on picking up student workbooks in the classroom. There will be some work that is in student workbook form, and some in packet form. Depending on how long we will be in our homes, we will also try our best to test out and begin some online videos to teach the students. Please do not go ahead in the student work books. The lessons and assignments I provide will not correlate if your child goes ahead. 

At-Home school work will begin Wednesday, March 18th. When you pick up your child’s school books on Tuesday I will provide you with the outlined 2-week lesson plans for your child. I will also be sending home parent-emails and updating the 1st grade blog regularly with the same plans, online resources, and updates.

I want you to know that I understand that as parents you may not be teachers, but I will need your help. I will do my best to provide instruction and guidance for the student work, but as first grade students, the children in our class rely greatly on reading help from an adult. I know these are trying times, but I hope that you can find the time to help your child through their work. As a first grade teacher, I am responsible for reading most/all instructions to the students for every subject. I guide your child in order for them to become independent learners. While they are home, they will need your guidance too. 

I will be available Monday-Friday normal school hours to assist you. Any questions you have can be emailed to me, and I will respond as promptly as possible. Sr. Carmen will be the main contact for new information and the possibility of dates for returning to school. Based on the information I receive from Sr. Carmen, I will be updating you weekly through parent email and Salesian 1st grade blog posts. 

Monday 3/16 - Staff will prepare bags with your child’s student workbooks, lesson plans, materials, and pencil boxes.

Tuesday 3/17 - Parents will come to Salesian and drive around campus as if it were Carpool to pull up to receive your child’s items. 

Order of Pickup – Alphabetically by Last Name

     A-G 7:30 – 8:30 AM

     H-P  9:00 – 10:00 AM

     R-Z 10:30 – 11:30 AM

I will miss your children immensely during this time, and understand this transition will be a confusing time for them. If you would like to set up a time for me to skype/zoom video conference with your child (lesson help or just to comfort them) I would love to look into setting that up. 

Stay healthy, and live with gratitude! 

-Mrs. Settles