/Dear Fifth-Grade Parents, August 8, 2020
The new school year is beginning soon, and I am excited to be your child’s teacher this year in fifth grade. For those of you new to Salesian my name is Mrs. Henderson, and this is my sixteenth year at Salesian, although my first year in fifth-grade. Together we will navigate our unexpected journey through this year with the pandemic. This virus has changed many things in the past months, but we are ready to thrive at home as we begin our classes with home learning. Please review the following procedures with your child, so that we can transition quickly and ensure optimal learning for all students, whether we are at home or on campus. As soon as we get the green light from the county we will be back in class, on campus. Over the summer we have been fine-tuning our home learning protocols, so that we can maintain Salesian’s high academic standards.
Class begins Monday, August 10, at 9:00 AM. We will be meeting everyday on Google Meet (an app located on your child’s Salesian Google Suite). The password to enter your fifth grade Google Meet will be henderson. Please review the procedures below with your child prior to Monday, August 10th.
Procedures for Home Learning/Google Meet for your child:
We will meet every day at 9:00 AM. Dismissal is at 2:30. All students need to be dismissed by me at the end of the day.
Attendance and Tardiness will be recorded.
Please come online muted with your camera on. No icons allowed. Please make sure you stay muted, so that we can hear others and you, when it is your turn to share.
Please come to school dressed and ready for the day. You do not need to wear your uniform, but you do need to adhere to the free dress policies in your handbook. (handbook is on the school website)
Have your parents help you find a quiet, well lit, permanent place in your house to set up for class. All students need to be sitting at a table or desk, so that we can hear and see you clearly.
Remember, we are in school, just learning from home, so once class has started please do not sign off without permission, or get up and walk around. Please do not use the chat feature or Google Hangout unless otherwise instructed. You may ONLY use the school issued device so keep it charged and ready for school hours.
Eat before we meet! You may have water close to you. Please make sure you keep a lid on your container, so that it will not spill on your Chromebook.
Make sure all your materials are right next to you such as: textbooks, assignments, pencils, paper, color pencils, and a personal book to read for down time. Keep them in the same place, so they are easily accessible. This will ensure that no time is wasted looking for school supplies once class has started.
Be respectful when others are talking. If you wish to join in the discussion please raise your hand and wait to be called.
Homework will be posted on Google Classroom and the website until we introduce our new online platform, Seesaw. Once Seesaw is available a tutorial will follow.
Daily Schedule: Monday- Thursday
Class starts at 9:00 AM (Password for the Salesian Google Meet
Assembly is MMbosco)
Recess at 10:30
Class resumes at 10:50
Lunch at 12:30
Dismissal 2:30
Friday class starts at 9:00 AM and depending on your child’s needs will end at or before 12:00. (No assembly on Fridays)
The first three days of school will be set aside for learning the procedures and rules. These are also minimum days/12:00 dismissal. All necessary software apps have been marked as bookmarks on your Chromebook. Please go over this with your child, so that our time together can be as productive as possible.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday, August 10, at 9:00!
Mrs. Henderson