More Fun In Sept!
/Hello Folks!
Check those calendars and you will see that we are starting our Star Assessments over the next two weeks! Yes, Kinder take a Reading Readiness Assessment at least three times this year. This will be done 2:1 with Ms. Lenz on a touch screen lap top. Does your child have computer experience? It is a VERY good idea to get them familiar with a touch screen. They will be doing basic letter and sound matching as well as some patterning. If I feel like the students test score is way off from their ability demonstrated in class, I will have them retake the assessment 1:1 with me where I can observe their answers/thinking more closely.
This week will be very exciting as we head to St. Francis for Salesian Fun Day! Details will be coming from the office but students should expect to be in Spirit Shirts and I would love as many parents from Kinder as possible to meet us there and enjoy mass, picnic and games! Students will be dropped off and picked up from the High School.
Back To School Night is Wed! How important is it? Very! This is one of the only times we will gather just us adults. Please know that I only have 15 minutes but I will stay as long as needed. This is not a time for 1 on 1 appointments but more of a grand overview of our year from studies to parties and all in-between.
Mon - Thur - Star Assessments
Tues - PE
Wed. - Library and Back To School Night 7:00
Thurs. - PE
Fri - St. Francis Salesian Fun Day - Spirit Shirts