Homework for Tuesday, September 29, 2020
/Vocabulary: Tall Tale paper copy of story and oral presentation on flipgrid. Due tomorrow Wednesday, September 30, 2020 by 7:50 AM. You are using 7 words from last week's vocabulary.
On campus tomorrow Wednesday, September 30, 2020!
Mrs. Lobue will be sending home on Constant Contact the arrival times for you.
Please take note of them and arrive at the time allotted for you, with a face covering. Be ready to have your temperature taken and remember to sanitize your hands.
Please come into the classroom and sit down at your desk and unpack your books and supplies.
Please remember we must adhere to the 6 foot rule when we are back on campus.
Remember your math worksheet titled "Math Unit 1: Performance Task" Due tomorrow Wednesday, September 30.
We will be correcting the vocabulary completed in class today. If you were unable to finish pages 40-43 please make sure you have them completed by tomorrow. I am so excited to see you all in person.
Free dress the next two days and then home learning Friday. Monday, October 5, we start in person/full days. 7:50-3:00. On Monday you will bring back your chromebooks.
Thank you so much for all your cooperation. I know this has been a difficult time and being back on campus will be soooooo much better:)