Homework for the Night of Thursday, August 27, 2020

Homework for the Night of Thursday, August 27, 2020

Math: Page 14 in your math workbook 5A. You will have a quiz tomorrow on factors, extended, standard, and written form of numerals. You will heed to round some numbers up to 1 million.

Reading and Social Studies: Reread Chapter 1 pages 47-53. You will have quiz on chapter one and maps tomorrow. You will be able to use your social studies book. This will count as your reading also.

Remember you can start taking your AR tests on Renaissance Learning. Everyone has an AR goal of 22 points. Your parents received an email on Sunday with your username and password for AR.

See you at 9:00 in class tomorrow/no assembly.

I will be explaining to you your first long term project of making a timeline about your life using google slides. This will all be explained tomorrow Friday, August 28.