Help us reach our goal of $25,000
- Thursday, November 30th -
Fundraising efforts will go towards new Chromebooks and carts for the classroom.
What is the Reindeer Run?
The Reindeer Run is our 6th Annual Fundraiser where students are sponsored and run or walk laps during the event. Last year was a huge success and this year our goal will be $25,000 profit. Kids will need to wear all red and green free dress the day of the event! Students will run through a winter wonderland with a photo booth to capture all the fun. Keep your eyes open for special appearances from holiday friends. Fundraising efforts will go towards new Chromebooks and carts for the classrooms.
We have 2 weeks for families to register online or use donation forms to obtain pledges from family, friends, neighbors and/or businesses near and far. The earlier you start the process, the more money you will raise for the school so please do not delay!
How do I get Pledges?
Register your child at and follow the simple registration steps. It takes just minutes to set up your child’s fundraising page and then email or text friends and family to donate! *(Those families that participated in past events will need to re-register but if you use the same email address you can import past contacts).
To request and track manual pledges, please use the form.
Student Prize Listing:
TOP 3 EARNERS: 1st place - Boardwalk Season Pass, 2nd place - Cinalux movie passes and Marianne’s Ice Cream gift card, 3rd place - Marianne’s Ice Cream gift card!
TOP EARNING CLASS: Top earning Elementary Class - will earn a pizza party and Top earning Junior High Class - will earn a pizza party!